bus auto fiets

The apartments of Up North

Scroll across the map to see the housing categories and their corresponding building numbers. You can then also use search filters within the Park or Avenue apartments. The back button (top right of the image) takes you back to the previous category. All information about the apartments and building numbers can also be found in the brochures and associated price lists. These can be found at "brochure & downloads".

You can also use these cards to indicate your preference for an apartment. First click on an apartment (building number) for more information and then add the number to your preference list. You can change the order of the numbers later.

{{ plotItem.Label }} {{ plotItem.PriceFrom }} - {{ plotItem.PriceUntil }}
construction number {{ plotItem.Label }} {{ plotItem.Price }} {{ plotItem.StatusText }}
({{ activeFilters }})
{{ filter.Label }}

{{ baseMapCoords.Title }}

{{ baseMapCoords.PlotsForSale }} {{ baseMapCoords.PlotsUnderOption }} {{ baseMapCoords.PlotsSold }}

{{ plotItem.Label }}

{{ plotItem.Description | sliceText(50) }}

{{ plotItem.PriceFrom }} - {{ plotItem.PriceUntil }}

{{ plotItem.Status }}

{{ plotItem.Label }}

construction number {{ plotItem.Label }}

{{ plotItem.Price }}

{{ plotItem.StatusText }}
Unfortunately, your selection didn't yield any results. {{ baseMapCoords.Title }}
Close and enter another property
{{plot.PlotNr}}. {{plot.PlotType}}

Add multiple


Submit your preference

Submit your preference

Construction of Up North will start in April 2024. Check out the apartments and if you are interested, indicate your preference via the website or contact Ramon Mossel Makelaardij tel 020-305 2662

View the apartments